This may be heavy with pics, but we all like to look at pictures, right? I know, I do!!!
Let's see, I painted a St. Paddy's pic on canvas. Never painted on canvas before, so thought I would try it as this would have been a hard piece to cut out of wood and paint!!!!
I think the glass is glaring as there is white lines/spots on the hat. They're not there in person!!!
Then I put my "green" out. I don't have too many snowmen with green scarves, but I do have leprechauns and bears!!!!
Oh, yah, my ceramic guy I painted many years ago, when I went to a ceramic class. He's holding a white pipe.
My tree. Not much green on there. Just some balls and green, glittered ferns. Some gold sprays. And a cluster of green balls with one gold one with green swirls. My red bow on that snowman looks out of place now. I do have green candles in the candleholders that you can't see in the pic!!! lol
Before I put the snowmen away, I said I forgot to show you all the snowmen on my frig. Some wood, plastic canvas, cut-out material, slate and ceramic.
And today is Fat Tues and had our annual celebration at our church. Here's Monica all decked out!!!!
Then they have a donut eating contest. The kids love this and look forward to it. Monica's getting better at it.
That's about it for this and that.
Thanks to all the new followers I got. I love all my new friends. I so enjoy getting comments.
Till next time,
Take Care,
Interiors of a Storyteller
1 day ago