No, we didn't have thunder from the skies. It's the thunder from motorcycles rumbling by as they get from one town to another on this weekend that has now become a national motorcycle rally. This is what Johnstown looked like on the main streetss and anywhere they could park.
Then there were the vendors selling motorcycle things to jewelry to food. Those are leather jackets, vests, etc.
There was a parade on Sat and the Budweiser Clydesdales were the main attraction.
Their harness weighs 130 lbs.
Even the dalmation has a harness!!
The handlers are there wiping their mouths and if that gold harness part gets slobber on it, they wipe it too!!!! And they kept doing that, till it was time to pull out!!!
This piece of sculpture is in front the the Tribune-Democrat (local paper) accompanied with Monica. This is where Dave and I both worked 30 some years ago!!!
Today, we went to hear a Johnny Cash impersonator.
The lady behind is the June Carter impersonator. She also did Patsy Cline, Janis Joplin and Alvin!!!!!
Monica was up on stage with the tambourne and had the mike and was singing Ring of Fire, but Dave didn't take just a pic, he was videoing the whole thing!!!!
All in all, it was a busy, noisy weekend!!!!