Welcome to my blog.

You will find some painted things. Some material things, but painting is in my blood. Self-taught. Go to my Etsy store and covo me if you see something in my posts that you want.

Will accept Paypal and money orders.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Buttermilk Creek's giveaway

Carol over at Buttermilk Creek Farm  is having a wonderful giveaway.   3 people will be getting something different from her crafty little hands.  And I hope I'm one of them!!!!!  So hop on over and sign up.

Don't forget, our online Christmas Craft Show is next weekend!!!!  Already!!!!!   Christmas is knocking on the door!!!!

Monica's halloween parade at school is this afternoon.  Due to a tragic death of a 6th grader over the weekend, the parade got moved to today.

Hope everyone is enjoying a nice fall day.  We are!!!!



  1. That was such a sad thing. Our pastor did the funeral service for the family.
    Yesterday sure was a beautiful day.
    Enjoy your parade!


  2. Have fun at the parade!! Wow - very sad about the 6th grader....Robin

  3. So sorry the 6th grader passed away. My prayers to the family. Lois, I just noticed that in the box you sent my giveaway turkey in, you had also enclosed a darling autumn note pad. Thank you! I am using that already, and the turkey also :)
