Busy getting ready for a 3-day craft show next weekend. Then throw in my Dad's Birthday on Tues. Turned 90. Then today is our anniversary...38 years. Where did that time go???? Took time to dig out a pic and here the scanner won't work.
Sounds like everyone else is busy too getting ready for the fall/holiday season.
Loving this weather we are having. No humidity. Feels like fall. Love it, but hate to think what comes after
that nice, leaf-falling weather.
A thank you to my new followers. Love getting to meet new people.
Well, must go. I spend Thurs at my mom and dad's. She makes lunch and then mom and I play games all afternoon. Meeting hubby at a restaurant. Then Monica will be here tonight for her last sleepover before she starts school next Wed. We probably will only have weekends now for sleepovers. And when there will be days off from school!!!!!
Interiors of a Storyteller
21 hours ago